The sensing nature; knowing nature workshop I have been doing from 2003 during the April/ May months at Aruvacode,
kerala proved to be of great help in understanding the true potential of children
Reimaging schools is a project that came out of these experiences with children at sadhana village school
from 2011 till 2014
Deeper study on why children play, cognitive potential of drawing etc can be seen at
Workshops on Creativity, sensitivity, cognition, culture, tradition, parenting, design 'thinking' etc
From Word to the World RETREAT
Learning to see
The courses I offer are
1. an orientation to be aware of the homogenization aspect and possibility for authenticity.
2. Integration elements of design which involves all aspects that helps in SEEING- ( drawing, photography,
color/ texture etc from nature etc )
3. Material exploration.
4. design of culture specific products
5. Cognition and culture- Experiential exploration in to understanding culture.
6. sustainability, inclusiveness and approprtion
From 1993 till about 2006 I have been working with potters of Aruvacode village learning/ imbibing the being-ness
of non-literate people and at the same time trying to revitalize the dying tradition of pottery.
The basic approach in working with artisan is to enable them to create without any inputs. See detailed
philosophy at
The women potters have been developing unique times and murals and this can be seen at